Oxfam Logo for the supply centre
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Oxfam Logo for the supply centre

Our Services

What We Do

The Oxfam Supply Centre purchases, stores and distributes emergency humanitarian equipment to both Oxfam programmes and external agencies, worldwide. 

All equipment has been thoroughly assessed and tested by Oxfam’s Humanitarian teams for its suitability to meet the real world needs of field operations.

Equipment has been purchased by our team of experts in the UK through a transparent and competitive procurement process, which includes ethical checking of all suppliers. This ensures that all spending is compliant with the most stringent donor requirements. 

With a long history of delivering goods to programmes all over the world, the Supply Team is highly experienced in managing export documentation and ensuring goods are delivered in accordance with local import requirements.


The Oxfam Supply Centre works hard with its suppliers to ensure that all items in the catalogue represent the best value for money. We work on a not-for-profit basis, and we make sure that we offer all customers, including Oxfam GB, the same prices without exception.

All items are priced at cost, plus a 9.5% service charge (subject to a minimum service charge of £100 per order). In addition, we charge a separate 4% service charge on freight, with no minimum charge.

The service charges are there to contribute to our operating costs. We do not add any hidden costs such as internal handling charges: the price we pay our suppliers is the same as the price our customers pay us, with only the service charge added.

The prices in this catalogue are stated Ex Works including the service charge but excluding VAT and Freight. The prices are indicative only. Actual costs and a full price breakdown will be shown in our quotations.


The Oxfam Supply Centre is an ECHO Registered Humanitarian Procurement Centre, or HPC.  We were awarded this status in June 2015, after having undergone a thorough external assessment of our procurement, quality control, warehousing and organisational policies and practices.  As an HPC we are subject to rigorous checks by ECHO to ensure that we are compliant with the terms of the HPC Charter.

Our HPC Status means that any NGO implementing an ECHO or EU funded programme can order equipment from us with a single quote procedure and remain compliant with donor procurement rules. This saves time, money, and frees up valuable organizational resources.

For all ECHO funded programmes, the donor will pay our service costs.

As an HPC, we are legally obliged to treat all customers on the same basic terms.  This means that our prices for all goods, and our level of service, are the same for all customers, including Oxfam itself.

To find out more about the HPC Concept, take a look at the ECHO Website.  You will also find a copy of the HPC Charter, which we are obliged to follow, and the HPC Register, which lists all current registered HPCs